at William Paca Middle School
About the program
Our theater program at William Paca Middle School, along with the concurrent program at William Floyd Middle School, acts as a precursor to our high school program, and is a great entrance into the world of musical theater. Students get an opportunity to learn the basics of preparing a role and performing on stage in a fun, stress-free atmosphere. Students of all backgrounds and levels of experience are welcome to join. The following are some of the ways a student can get involved with one our productions at William Paca Middle School.
Students who audition and are cast in the production attend regular rehearsals to learn music, staging, and choreography for a medium-length musical. Rehearsals take place over several week, and focus is placed on building the foundations theatre knowledge so that students can take the experience with them as the grow and move on to other productions. Every show has it’s own number and variety of roles for students, and we do our best to feature every student involved in one capacity or another.
Stage Crew
Stage crew members are generally chosen by the director, and often work hand-in-hand with students from the high school to help bring the show to life. Students in stage crew work to create the show in real time backstage by setting props and scenery, and are required to attend a number of rehearsals leading up to, and including, the performances.
There are many other ways to get involved with the show, such as volunteering backstage or for the front of house, or helping to build or paint props or scenery. If you have not been chosen to work on a production in any of the capacities listed above, don’t feel shy about getting in contact with us about other ways you can help. Putting on a musical production really takes a village, so we can use all of the help we can get!